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falling fruit Map the urban harvest!

Edit the location below, or use this form to review, comment, and post photos.

Choose from the dropdown list, submitting new types only if appropriate choices do not already exist.

Determined from your current position (when available) or a marker you placed. Adjust by moving the map marker.
Lat, Lng ,
>> Move marker to coordinates

Leave blank if you prefer to remain anonymous.

Location details, access issues, plant health ...

When can the source be harvested? Leave blank if you don't know.
, or No season

Access status of the source. Leave blank if you don't know.

If you doubt the existence, location, or identity of this source.

Have you visited this location?

What is the fruit doing now? (if applicable)
         Unripe fruit
Ripe fruit

Rate the quality of the source (if applicable)
Very Good

Rate the productivity of the source (if applicable)
Very Good

Post a photo of the source. If it isn't yours, ensure you have permission and credit the photographer in the caption.